Dr. Dietrich recently presented his fourth and final Superintendent’s Honor Roll Award to a very deserving recipient. The person he recognized has been described as someone who always steps up in support of both students and staff. It was said that no one makes a stronger connection with students than today’s award winner.
Please join together in congratulating one of Penndale’s finest, Mr. Chris Joy!
Chris has been a member of the North Penn family for 15 years, all of which he’s spent at Penndale as a guidance counselor. He pushes comfort zones for himself and others when new initiatives are introduced. Chris currently serves as Penndale's Guidance Department chair, representative for Act 339, and continues to accept and train interns in Counseling graduate programs. He is always on the hunt for a new speaker or program that will resonate with students at this crucial age and relate to them in a way that is impactful and real.
Chris’ office is always overflowing with students - both current and former. He provides a safe haven for those in need here at Penndale and creates lasting relationships with students for years to come. Nominators say, “when you use the phrase ‘above and beyond,’ you are accurately representing Chris and his role as a counselor in our district. Whether it's personally delivering boxes of food to our families in need, securing clothing items, providing a hug or a place to calm down, or delivering a smile to everyone who comes across his path, Chris delivers his special brand of "joy".
Chris’ impact within Penndale and North Penn stretches well beyond the walls of the guidance office. He frequently steps up to fill in leadership roles in school and throughout the district. Some of these roles include serving as a coach for track, basketball and baseball; acting as HABIT Coordinator and Olweous Coordinator; participating in the Safe Schools Committee; and co-starring in North Penn’s legendary Knight Shift performance at this year’s convocation. Along with his sweet moves and serenading vocals, Chris is an active member and vital part of the Knight Shift professional development team.
Chris’ connection to students makes him a valuable part of the North Penn School District. Clearly, he has tremendous impact with the students of our district.
Chris' colleagues at Penndale feel that he deserves to be recognized for his outstanding leadership and compassion, and Dr. Dietrich and his cabinet agree. Congratulations Mr. Chris Joy!
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