Spontaneous Fun Day

SFD 2024

What is Spontaneous Problem Solving All About?

Spontaneous Fun Day is a district wide event that takes place each year
in January. At SFD, Odyssey of the Mind teams participate in a variety of
spontaneous problems to sharpen their problem solving skills. Parent judges
facilitate the problems and offer constructive feedback to the teams at the end of
the event.

All NPSD OotM teams are invited to participate in Spontaneous Fun Day
to help sharpen their Spontaneous Problem solving skills!
To participate in SFD, each team is required to provide two adult judges
who are able to attend the event and attend a training session the week before.
Wearing a "crazy hat" is also a requirement for all SFD judges!

Click the link below for a few simple examples of Spontaneous problems:

To find spontaneous problems on the internet for your team to solve,
Google "Odyssey of the Mind Spontaneous Problems".
Spontaneous problem solving can be a fun way to start and/or end a meeting!